Posts Tagged ‘fundraising’

British holidaymakers have £2.7 billion worth of unused currency

Posted on: November 9th, 2018 by Ian Stormnet

It has been revealed that households in the UK could be sitting on a goldmine worth over more than £2.7 billion.

The nation’s 34.8 million holidaymakers on average bring home around £78 worth of leftover foreign currency after every holiday. Collectively added up annually, the amount is a staggering £2.7billion of leftover coins and notes sitting idle.

On average British holidaymakers take approximately £1400 spending money when travelling abroad. The £78 leftover cash is usually the cost of a meal or perhaps an excursion. However, regular travellers among us usually fail to use leftover currency as they feel it is not a considerable amount, so they fail to spend it.

Buy back rates can be poor and could result in you being short changed. Even selling on to a friend or family member may not be the best option.  If the amount is small, many charities are now accepting this currency as part of their fundraising.

Leftover foreign currency and old UK coins and notes are an easy way to raise valuable funds for charities and non-profit organisations. Banks will not change foreign coins or small denomination banknotes which means that many people have unwanted foreign coins and notes that could be going to waste.

Here at Cash4Coins we offer a coin sorting facility where we will buy back the currency and change it into cash. We want to help charities continue with the outstanding range of help and support services for people who have terminal illness. You can help too by donating any leftover foreign currency as well as old British and Irish coins and notes.

We work with many charitable organisations, banks, airports and large companies to buy back leftover coins and notes.

Children in Need Fundraising Ideas

Posted on: May 6th, 2017 by Ian Stormnet

For one night in November, every year, the BBC becomes a place dedicated to charity. Helping children across the globe, Children in Need has become one of the best supported charities out there.

It draws in big name celebrities and is a whole lot of fun for those that watch it.

However, Children in Need, just like many of other charities, simply wouldn’t be able to function without donations. Which means that each and every year, people around the UK come up with great ways to raise money and help those who need it.

Want to get yourself nice and organised for the 2017 Children in Need? Why not check out some of the great ways you can raise money when the time comes?

Face your fears

Is there something that you are really terrified of? A great way to raise money is to face those fears. Get people to sponsor you to hold a spider, do a bungee jump or anything that is going to make you squirm. It is a sure fire way to get some support!

Go without tech

Are you the type of person who always has their phone in their hands? Bit of TV nut? Why not pledge to give up tech for a week during the Children in Need week? Not only is it a great fundraising tool, but it might actually teach you that you don’t need your beloved gadget in the first place!

Do something big

Want to really make an impact for charity? If you do, then perhaps it is time to try out something huge. Jump out of a plane, climb a mountain or run a marathon. These big pledges are a great way to bring money in and also give you the drive to try something that you wouldn’t otherwise!

Sell something

Do you have a hobby, talent or skill? Why not use this to raise money? You can bake cakes, paint pictures, even knit a blanket. Whatever you do, sell it for cash and you can soon see the money come in for charity.

Wear your PJs for a day

Just because it is a popular one, doesn’t mean it isn’t great. Don a onesie, or your favourite PJs for the day and raise some money. Or better yet, get your whole office, school or family to do the same. Not only will you raise money, but you will be super comfy for the day too!

The money that is raised during Children in Need really does make a difference to the lives of children around the world. There really is no better reason to get out there and try to raise some for yourself. Whether it is a few hundred pound or just 5, it is still going to make a difference and make up the grand total!



Fundraise for Charities That Need Your Help

Posted on: May 6th, 2017 by Ian Stormnet

Let Cash4Coins help you exchange foreign currencies to fundraise for charities that need your help

Every charity is worthwhile, and every fundraising project has an important reason behind it. But it seems that throughout the UK, there are some charities that really need your help and support.

If you are looking for a new charity to donate to, we have some of those that are looking for a helping hand from donators up and down the UK.

Battersea Cats and Dogs Home

Here in the UK we are known for our love of animals, and in particular our pets. That said, charities just like Battersea Cats and Dogs Home see abandoned and mistreated pets on a number of occasions. Their aim is not only to never turn down a cat or dog that needs a new home. But also, to make sure that those cats and dogs find their way to a loving forever home.

The Lullaby Trust

No parent should ever go through the horror and pain of losing a child. However for around 600 families every year, that lose a baby suddenly, the pain is very real. The Lullaby Trust was set up to offer specialist support to those families, helping them through the difficult times as well as creating safety advice relating to sleeping babies.

They also conduct research into SIDS to find out what can be done to try and reduce the risk of it happening.

Dementia UK

More and more people throughout the UK are being touched by some form of Dementia. This particular charity is one of many that looks at ways to help and support those whose lives are affected by Dementia. It supports Admiral Nurses who will work with families who are coping with Dementia, and offer their specialist support and guidance through what can often be an uncertain and upsetting time.


Whilst Shelter may be a charity that many people recognise, it is one that still needs donations. The issue of homelessness or bad homing is one that isn’t going away, and Shelter help millions of people each and every year. They not only provide support, but they also offer advice to those that are faced with homelessness, as well working hard to combat it on a wider level and try to eradicate the issue in the long term too.


The Royal National Lifeboat Institution has been helping people who get into difficulty in the waters around the UK since 1824. The help that they offer is vital and saves lives up and down the country, however it relies mostly on volunteers, as well as donations from people to keep it running.

These are just some of the charities that you can decide to help by making a donation. The best way to ensure that your money is going to help something that you care about, is to take a look through some of the different charities, throughout the UK, the world or perhaps just in your local area, and make a pledge to support them to carry on doing all the great work that they already do.


Hospital Fundraising Ideas

Posted on: August 17th, 2012 by Ian Stormnet

Super fast and simple hospital fundraising ideas…

Here at Cash4coins we receive a lot of enquiries regarding hospital fundraising ideas. We have assisted many hospitals in the UK raise the much needed funds they are looking for by exchanging unwanted currency that they have collected.  Arranging a foreign coin donation is a great way of making money with the least amount of effort and you won’t need to spend any of your money on this type of fundraising.  Simply set up a clearly marked coin collection area and you are ready to go!

You’ll be surprised how many people have lots of foreign and old coins at home just sitting doing nothing useful, but thanks to Cash4Coins and our hospital fundraising ideas, you can now make use of these coins and put them to good use around your hospital.  New equipment, training for staff or new books for your children’s ward – these are just some of the things our hospital customers have spent their converted cash on.

Our team offers a service second to none when it comes to exchanging foreign currency. We are here to help you every step of the way to ensure you’re collection is a successful one. We offer FREE help and advice and have organised very successful foreign coin collections for a number of large NHS trusts and hospitals who have raised thousands of pounds in revenue.

Once your collection is complete you simply send it to us, we will then count and recount it, in order to ensure you receive the maximum value for your currency. What’s more if your currency weighs over 5kg’s Cash4 coins will arrange for the coins to be collected free of charge. Go to our page ‘How to send us coins‘ for full details.

To see just how good our service is please check out our customer comments page.  We have helped many of our customers to get the best from their fundraising events through the donation of foreign coins and we could do the same for you.  Many people do not know that they can change foreign coins for Sterling as it is not a service the banks offer.  That’s what makes us so unique and convenient and our team is standing by right now to count and sort your coins.

Many large groups and charities are now organising currency collections within their organisations very successfully. It works especially well and is one of the best hospital fundraising ideas due to the amount of visitors passing through the doors each day that the appeal can go to. There is so much unwanted currency that people have stashed away in their homes that is just going to waste, so it’s a great way to make use of it.

Our team are always available to help with hospital fundraising ideas so give us a call today. There really is nothing to lose. If you’re not happy with the offer we make for you’re currency we will even return you’re collection to you free of charge. Call today for more information or e-mail us at

Church Fundraising Ideas

Posted on: August 17th, 2012 by Ian Stormnet

One of the best church fundraising ideas…

We receive a lot of enquiries from congregations all over the UK, looking for church fundraising ideas, to help raise much needed cash for their church’s cause.  The problems many of our customers have is that the banks do not want to change up their foreign coins because it simply is not worth their while to do so. So, whilst the banks are chasing the big league money exchanges, Cash4Coins focuses on changing up your spare coins and leftover currency.  We provide the service that the bank can’t and can help you to make use of your coins.

Here at Cash4coins we provide a very fast and effective service to all of our customers and help them turn unwanted foreign currency into cash, cash that the banks simply won’t exchange due to the high costs they incur in doing so.  We also have our fundraising team on standby to give you lots of fundraising ideas for your church.  Whether you are saving for a new roof (isn’t every church doing that at some point or another?) or you need new hymn books, we can help you to raise the money you need through foreign coin donations.  We can also exchange British and Irish currency that is no longer in circulation.

One of the best church fundraising ideas is to arrange a collection within your parish of all your members unwanted currency that they have lying around at home. Cash4coins will then collect the currency (if it weighs over a certain weight then it’s for free). Otherwise you can send it to our address where it will be counted and recounted by our team of specialists to ensure that you get the maximum value available.

To send us coins or arrange for a collection please take a look at ‘How to send us coins‘. If you’d like to see why we are the UKs favourite foreign coin exchange business take a look at our customer comments page.  We make it easier than anybody else to change up your leftover currency and old coins.  Take a look around at home and ask your congregation to do the same.  At your next service, why not advertise that you are going to be passing round a foreign coin collection plate as well as the usual one?  This can be a great way to raise more money for your church.

Once you have accepted our offer we then have a very swift, easy and secure payment procedure that can either be paid by BACS, Paypal or Cheque, it really couldn’t be simpler. Our service is completely risk free, what’s more if you are not entirely happy with the offer we make for your currency we will return the coins at our expense – so there really is nothing to lose.

We have already helped many large Charities and organisations raise much needed cash for their cause. We would love to hear from you at Cash4coins, to assist you with your church fundraising ideas and provide you with foreign coin solutions. Call us today for more information or e-mail us at


Posted on: August 16th, 2012 by Ian Stormnet

Charity Fundraising

If you are a charity fundraiser and are looking for simple and very effective charity fundraising ideas then look no further than foreign coin collections. Charity coin collections are one of the best ways to raise money for your charity or good cause. The fundraising is very effective as it uses unwanted foreign coins to raise money.

The main advantage is that people often don’t mind donating foreign coins, this is because they can’t be changed at the bank or bureau de change and therefore are useless (unless of course you remember to take them away the next time). Most people don’t remember to take them so, for the most part they go to waste. Our service means that you can take advantage of this fact and collect foreign coins for your fundraising campaign.

We help hundreds of charities, clubs, schools and good causes all over the UK raise much needed funds.

Our fundraising service is simple, easy to use and effective.

  1. You send us your foreign coins (we accept all coins from Euros to Yen and everything in between) -we’ll even collect for FREE over certain weights – check out ‘How to send us coins‘ for full details.
  2. We sort and count the coins
  3. You get paid – it really is that simple!

If you’d like to see just how good our service is take a look at our customer comments page to see how we’ve helped others.

What coins do we accept?

All foreign coins
Pre-Euro coins and notes
All foreign banknotes
Old British and Irish coins
Pre-decimal coins


To get your fundraising off the ground just organise a foreign coin collection, every year thousands of people return home from their holidays with spare foreign change that never gets used. As a fundraiser you can tap into this and collect foreign coins which we then buy for cash. We then pay the funds directly to you or the nominated charity via cheque or BACS. So, if you’re looking for an excellent way of fundraising start your charity coin collection today.

For further help and advice please contact our charity team.

Best Fundraising Ideas

Posted on: August 6th, 2012 by Ian Stormnet

Organising a foreign coin collection is one of the best fundraising ideas…

One of the best fundraising ideas is to organise a foreign coin collection – here you can collect people’s unwanted foreign coins and notes and then get us to exchange these for cash for your school, PTA, charity or club.  You’ll be amazed at how many of your followers have foreign coins just sitting around at home. These coins can easily be transformed into Sterling you can use and it’s Cash4Coins that can arrange this for you. We offer expert help and advice for any charity, school, hospital or museum looking to quite literally cash in on the abundance of foreign coins out there.

As banks and bureau de change operation will not exchange foreign coins back into sterling it means that most people have a pot of foreign change lying around their home or office. This currency is basically worthless, especially when you think that most people never bother (or forget) to take it away with them. This is why organising a foreign coin collection is one of the best fundraising ideas.

Especially in tougher financial times, it’s harder to get people to donate. However, the difference with a foreign coin collection is that people usually don’t mind donating what is just leftover shrapnel. This means that you can take advantage of the foreign coins for your fundraising. Many organisations just like you benefit from collection foreign coins everyday – don’t miss out.

The best fundraising ideas are those that you can use time and time again. The great thing about arranging foreign coin collections is that you can run this type of event throughout the year.  In fact, the best time is after the school holidays when everyone has returned from their foreign holidays. Strike whilst the iron is hot and you could have a wide range of foreign currencies flooding into your collection tin.  And the best bit is that we can exchange them all!  Your bank will not do that for you as it is simply not cost effective for them to do so.  At Cash4Coins it’s different and we welcome these coins through our doors.

If you’d like to organise a coin collection for your school, PTA, hospital, charity or club (or for any cause) then we can definitely help you. Here at cash4coins we’ll count and sort your foreign currency and provide you with a valuation offer to buy your coins. If you accept then we pay you directly – and in the event that you don’t accept our offer then we will return your coins free of charge.

Above certain weights we’ll even collect your foreign coins for FREE – please go to ‘How to send us coins‘ for full details.  It really has never been easier to get some of the best fundraising ideas around and to get easy money into your charity account.

This is why organising a foreign coin collection is one of the best fundraising ideas – it’s fast, simple and effective. Contact us today for some free help and advice on how to organise a fundraising coin collection.

Charity Fundraising Ideas

Posted on: August 3rd, 2012 by Ian Stormnet

Effective charity fundraising ideas…

At Cash4coins we have assisted many large and small organisations with charity fundraising ideas. We are always on hand to advise you and talk through any ideas you may have to ensure you have a successful collection. We would love to hear from you and have a specialist charity team on hand for help and advice.

Our charity specialists can tell you everything you need to know about charity fundraising ideas involving foreign coins and notes. For example, we can tell you how to get the best from your charity events by asking for donations of foreign coins.  This is money that many people across the country have left over from foreign holidays and business trips and which is simply sitting around untouched and unused.  Think about the difference this money could make to your charity especially if you can find hundreds of people to contribute to your cause.

At Cash4Coins we give you a service that is hard to find elsewhere. Simply collect together your foreign coins and notes and send them to us. We don’t even need you to sort or count them as our dedicated team will take care of that for you.  We know you have far better things to do than sitting down on the floor with a mountain of coins!

We provide a very fast, reliable and secure service to exchange all your old and unwanted foreign currency. We will even collect it for free if it weighs more than 5kg. Your coins are then counted and recounted by our team of specialists, before we make you an offer, to ensure you receive the maximum value for your collection. If for some reason you don’t accept the offer made we will return it without cost to you. So there really is nothing to lose. This is our 100% satisfaction guarantee and just one of the reasons that we are the trusted partner to exchange foreign coins for so many charities.

When people are searching for charity fundraising ideas they often hit a brick wall, in this age of austerity it is often hard to ask people to reach in their pockets and part with hard earned cash. A foreign currency collection is a great idea as it is only asking people to donate currency that is no good to them, coins that are probably just cluttering their drawers. For this reason most charities find people to be very generous when they donate.

If you’re searching for charity fundraising ideas and would like more advice, call us today to find out how you could start a collection for your cause – alternatively you can e-mail us at or call us on 0161 635 0000.  Our team will always be very pleased to help you and to give advice and unique charity fundraising ideas that will get the foreign coins and notes pouring in.  Remember, this is a great way to turn your foreign coins into Sterling that you can use right away for anything you like!

Fundraising Ideas for Schools

Posted on: August 3rd, 2012 by Ian Stormnet

Fast and easy fundraising ideas for schools…

Most PTA’s that approach us are always looking for fast and easy fundraising ideas for schools. Especially in this time of austerity when everyone is feeling the pinch it can be difficult to get parents and friends of the school to donate money.  People are less and less able or willing to dip into their wages to give to charity and this can mean schools everywhere are losing out.

However, here at Cash 4 Coins we have the perfect answer – a foreign coin collection for your school. This is probably one of the best fundraising ideas for schools because foreign coins have almost zero value for most parents as they can’t be exchanged by banks. Therefore parents don’t mind donating their leftover foreign coins for school collections. The great news is that we CAN exchange foreign coins for cash so this is why a foreign coin collection is one of the most popular ways to raise funds for schools.

Most of us have loose currency lying around in change pots and drawers, destined to never be used, which is why a foreign coin collection is one of the best fundraising ideas for schools. If you make an appeal to all the children in the school to collect from all their family and friends at home, it should accumulate a substantial amount of foreign coins.  This is great for the school and for the children as they will get to learn more about the different currencies of the world and also a little about exchanging money – it could even spur some on to become stars of the stocks and shares world of the future!

What’s more all the schools that have taken part so far have commented on how much fun the children have had doing it. We have also found that all parents and family friends are keen to donate as you’re not asking them to dip into the monthly income to contribute, just raid their change jars and drawers!

If you’d like to see what our customers are saying about our fantastic service then take a look at our customer comments page. We are proud of the good words our customers have to say about us. It just shows what a great service we have to offer and we would be delighted to extend the same great service to you.  We mean it when we say we can exchange any currency so don’t worry if you have a few odd coins in your collection. We look forward to our coin collections coming in as we never stop learning about the many different currencies of the world.

If you are a teacher or PTA member looking for one of the best fundraising ideas for schools then contact us for some information on how to start a collection. We’d love to help you make the most of the money you have spent so much time and effort raising. You’ll be surprised just how much Sterling foreign coins can net for you!


Fundraising Ideas for PTAs

Posted on: August 3rd, 2012 by Ian Stormnet

One of the best fundraising ideas for PTAs…

We are regularly being contacted for fundraising Ideas for PTAs – we understand that it’s lifelong job raising much needed school funds. Approaching parents to dip in their pockets for donations can be difficult and met with little enthusiasm, especially as we experience these difficult financial times. However, we can offer a fast, easy and painless way to raise funds for your school.

All you have to do is contact us and we’ll help you organise a foreign coin collection! This is one of the best and newest fundraising ideas for PTAs. We literally help hundreds of schools and PTAs across the UK and we have some very happy customers.  These are customers that come back to us time and time again and we are always happy to assist.

Here at Cash 4 Coins we exchange all unwanted old coins and foreign currency that the banks will not change due to the costs incurred. Most of us have foreign currency stashed away in change pots up and down the country never to be spent so it’s a fantastic source of income for schools – and parents don’t mind donating it as it’s effectively worthless currency as it can’t be exchanged at the bank! This is why it’s one of the fastest growing and best fundraising ideas for PTAs.

Many schools and PTAs have been taking advantage of the service that we offer as fundraising ideas for PTAs by organising foreign coin collections within the school and asking all the pupils to collect as much as they can from friends and family at home and bring it into school. We can assist with suggestions and ideas to get your collection started and ensure that it is a successful one, just contact our ‘school collections’ team for details.

The easiest way to exchange your foreign coins

Once your collection is complete you simply send it to Cash for Coins, or we will collect it for free if it weighs more than 5kgs, we will then count it and make you an offer. If you are completely happy with the offer we will transfer the money to you straight away by electronic transfer, cheque or via a nominated paypal account. If you are not entirely happy with our offer we will return the currency back to you free of charge – so there is no risk… and that’s guaranteed!

If you want to see what our customers are saying about us then go to our customer comments page. If you want to send us any currency then you can see more info at ‘how to send us coins‘ page.  We make it so easy for you to send your coins to us and because we count and sort your coins for you, it frees you up to think of more fundraising ideas for your PTA.

If you’re part of a school and looking for fundraising ideas for PTAs, contact us at Cash 4 Coins to get started with your collection. We offer free advice and hints and tips.