Call the charity team on 0161 635 0000

Charity Donation Banners

Example charity donation banners

Our range of charity donation banners are customised with your charity logo and details free of charge. These eye catching banners are best placed in a prominent position on your website (preferably the home page). They quickly help make your website visitors aware that they can donate foreign coins to you.

This provides significant additional income for you, especially in these tougher times when donations to charities are down in the UK. In addition to the standard banner sizes below we can create custom sizes if required. Please contact if you’d like to use one of the banners.

Banners for use on your website

Example of 468x60 animated graphic

Example of 468×60 animated graphic

Example of 300x250 animated graphic

Example of 300×250 animated graphic

Primrose 200x200 animated graphic

Example of 200×200 animated graphic

Example of 120x600 animated graphic

Example of 120×600 animated graphic

If you’d like to use any of our customised banners (provided to you free of charge) then please contact our charity team on 0161 635 0000 or e-mail us at

Send your coins to us now

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