Unity Enterprises East Anglia

Donate all old and obsolete coins & notes to help Unity Enterprises East Anglia.

Unity Enterprises East Anglia are now taking all donations of all old obsolete currency. All coins and bank notes are accepted including foreign leftover currency.

Unity Enterprises East Anglia was founded late in 2018 to invest in young people and address the need for greater innovation and creativity in youth engagement to enable young people aged 12-25 who are disadvantaged, marginalised or facing multiple barriers to pursue positive activities which address mindset, inclusion, health & wellbeing, personal and social development and career aspiration. We address the disconnect in young people and the services there for them to prevent them falling through gaps.

Unity Enterprises is built on the core belief of bringing together unique, meaningful and strong partnerships across all sectors to achieve its mission and outcomes for young people facing barriers and challenges to achieve their aspirations, and take their place as responsible and positive members of their local community.

Simply take your currency along to the Unity Enterprises office and hand it in. It really is that simple.

What is accepted?

– ANY Currency of ANY Age.

– All old banknotes and coins accepted

– Old foreign coins and notes

– Old UK and Irish Currency

– Pre-decimal coins and notes

– Pre-Euro Currency

– Anything that was or is currency!

Donate your unwanted currency today and help Unity Enterprises East Anglia.

Check the map below for the location of the donation point.

Send your coins to us now

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