Archive for the ‘Buy Foreign Coins’ Category

Exchange Your Old Foreign Notes Today

Posted on: July 11th, 2017 by Ian Stormnet

Out of circulation? No problem! We can help you exchange them before it’s to late.

As the excitement for the next £5 note and £1 coin calms down, we look at when they are discontinued and what you can do to keep those penny’s safe so you can still get your money’s worth. As well as this, we will let you know what exactly is old but still exchangeable for now, so you still have time to get your soon to be expired coins and notes into us.

UK £5 Notes

As you’re probably aware, the change-over in fiver’s from paper to plastic saw the UK going into meltdown… Literally. The so-called indestructible plastic note that saw people trying to tear, melt and even use them to play through a vinyl player! However, you may not be aware that the old beloved fiver note has now been discontinued. Do not fear, we are still happy to exchange these for you!

Cypriot Pounds

Now, you may be less familiar with the news that the Cypriot pounds will no longer be accepted after 31st December 2017. If you have holidayed abroad to the beautiful country of Cyrpus in the last 9 years, you may be aware that the Cypriot Pound was swapped for the Euro in 2008. Now, if you happen to find a few of these lying around in old suitcase, under the sofa or in the ‘junk’ drawer then please don’t forget to contact us before December 31st!


Spanish Pesetas

Whilst this one is a little less urgent, it is still crucial you get your left over Spanish Pesetas before December 31st 2020 (that gives you 2 and a half years of rummaging!) The Spanish Peseta has changed considerably over the years with a changeover in the 1980’s from old chunky notes, to notes that were designed around a modern era and had features such as the security thread and florescent fibres, as well as the large engraved images of history figureheads. However, these were changed again in the early 90’s, introducing American figureheads on to their currency as well as Spanish, to celebrate the fifth centenary anniversary of the discovery of ‘modern’ American. These notes included even more security features, including that of the advanced lithographic ink. This ink helps to detect fraud when an ultraviolet light is placed over them. They even had a feature added that helped people with impaired vision to distinguish the notes through embossed marks. These advanced notes then paved way for the new Euro notes that were introduced into Spain in 2002.


Using this as a gentle reminder, get searching and collecting those unused, unwanted coins and notes and send them over to us whilst you still have time! If you have any queries, feel free to get in touch with us at Cash4Coins so we can help you get the most out of your exchange.

A Brief History of the Knights Templar

Posted on: June 9th, 2017 by Ian Stormnet

And London’s First bank…

Our knowledge of currency stems from the invention of trade between merchants. This was often trade between workmen, trading their services, goods or cattle.  However, the concept behind storing currency to those who could be trusted with others money was one that came about in the 1100’s. It was established by a group of men called the Knights Templar.


Who are the Knights Templar?

These groups of men were thought to be warrior monks that were highly faithful to their religion and the holy war and fancied themselves as loyal to their hierarchy. Their home was situation on Fleet Street in London, a place called Temple Church. This church still exists today and is not just known as the residency of the Knights Templar, but home to London’s first bank.

Why and how did they come to create London’s first bank?

The thought behind this idea came from the pilgrimage that the Knights were dedicated to: a voyage that took them thousands of miles from London to Jerusalem. They needed somewhere to store and exchange their money safely and trustfully and avoid taking large sums of cash from one end of Europe to the other. The idea was that they could store their money in London and withdraw it in Jerusalem, saving them from being burgled when carrying large amounts of cash and still being able to afford food ad resources for their journey.

How did it work?

Though not the same of banks today, which are typically ran by the government, these banks were thought to be ran privately, owned by the Pope and connected through Kings and Queens across Europe. This allowed some sense of security for the Knights. However, this was not just a typical exchange and transfer of money for its users, the bank provided financial services. The Templars acted as brokers, providing Kings and Queens with land through the means of loans and yearly payments. It is known that the Crown Jewels were kept there as a security loan for payments of small islands across Europe, similar to the pawn-brokers of today, although on a much larger scale (I have a feeling that the Queen has never popped down to her local pawn shop with the Crown Jewels for a house in the countryside!) Though this did not last forever and eventually the European order of this bank and others broke down by the 1300’s after the European Christians lost control of Jerusalem.


New Ventures

However, all is not lost. Though the Templar disbanded, an Italian merchant placed in Lyon, France, decided to buy and sell debt, becoming very rich. While the other merchants around him were laboring, trading their goods, this Italian merchant simply sat and waited for money to come to him. He would sell something called a ‘bill of exchange’ that could be recognised, not as money, but as a means of exchange for money in the Italian province of Florence – Many miles away from the small town in France where he resided. It eventually become a large network and as this network of bankers grew, they would meet every year at fairs in places such as Lyon to go through their books and settle any unwanted debts. From this model comes the credit card, a system that allows a simple piece of paper (or in today’s technology, a chip and pin card) to exchange credit for goods: a radical new system that was worth investing in.


This system did not come without mistrust and a band of hierarchy that became corrupt with power. Much like events we saw on Wall Street in the 80’s, banks and organisations alike across the world would come together in an effort to avoid paying tax and creating private money between the hierarchies that were untouchable by the government. The regulations of these banks have been tested time over by governments across the world, yet it seems that those holding the most power (and coincidently, the most debt) will always prevail. Even back in the 1300’s the Templars saw their fate as one of torture by the King, who had outstanding debts he couldn’t pay off. Instead of simply working with these men to sought restoration, he used his hierarchy to have them tortured and burned to death in order to claim back what he believed to be his.


Great minds think alike

This may have been a great new way to share and exchange money but back in China, several centuries earlier; the Tang dynasty used a similar format called “feiquan”. This can be translated to ‘flying money’. It was a system that allowed merchants to deposit their profits into a central office and then withdraw it in cash in the capital.

Although this is a great piece of British and European history, we won’t let you go through the hassle of long voyages or trading cattle for a simple credit exchange! At Cash4Coins we exchange your foreign currency… for cash! We can’t accept your Crown Jewels, but give us a call today if you would like to know more about how we can help you.





A Brief History of Swiss Banking

Posted on: January 12th, 2017 by Ian Stormnet

Swiss banking over 300 years

Zurich and Geneva are the main hubs of Swiss economy, with Zurich being responsible for around a third of the wealth and a quarter of jobs within the city. Although Switzerland has its lack of natural resources, it makes the most of what its got and has become stable and prosperous by producing goods with strong value. For example, Rolex, Proctor & Gamble and – who could possibly forget? – Swiss chocolate.

Aside from the chocolate, the beautiful mountainous views and popular ski resorts, Switzerland has a lot to offer. For those who want to keep their banking activities top secret, Switzerland is known as a financial safe haven. Regulation by civil law means that customers of the bank can put forwards complaints against any bank that doesn’t maintain client confidentiality. This has resulted in clients being protected because they cannot be prosecuted for information that has been divulged.

It all began over 300 years ago when Kings of France had the need for such a high degree of secrecy in their banking and borrowing of loans. It was carried forward through the years and became a safe place for people to reside their money after fleeing the revolution.

The Swiss Franc (CHF) has also always been the go-to currency in a crisis.

However, the modern day notoriety of some of the supposed ‘clients’ could include a strong list of mobsters, dictators and tax cheaters. This is due to the Banking Act of 1934 which allowed Switzerland to ultimately overcome the great depression and stock market crash of 1929 by allowing the clientele of the banks to keep their banking activity private. But this has also meant a lot of corruption over the years. Including the riddance of money and gold that was transferred from Jewish families over to Swiss banks from Germany, allegedly helping to finance their part in the war.

However, it is not all bad. After World War Two, the USA, UK and France came to the agreement, called The Paris Agreement of 1946, that countries that remained neutral over the war would transfer over the money recovered from German allies to help aid Nazi victims. When discussing the issue, Switzerland transferred over approximately 250 million Swiss Francs of gold into the Tripartite Gold Commission’s monetary gold pool. This meant that the UK, French governments and US would waive claims against the Swiss banks connection to German gold over the war. In the years since, heirless money that has been left in Swiss bank accounts during that period of time has gone to Jewish and refugee communities to help rebuild the lives of families who were victims of the war.

Due to such high involvement in fraudulent scandals, Swiss banks have come under fire and held a national referendum in 2008 to amend the constitution that allows the information and records within banks to be open to tax authorities. However, a staggering 73% of the country voted against this idea, but it was not swiftly forgotten. In 2009, shortly after the UBS scandal, where a Swiss national helped US citizens avoid tax and defraud the US Inland Revenue Services, the law was amended so that non-Swiss clients of Swiss banks could be prosecuted for activity of this kind and limit tax evasion as much as possible.

Switzerland’s financial history is brief but remarkable. Withstanding wealthy King’s orders, world wars and great scandals, the Swiss have definitely got a lot to talk about (or keep to themselves, of course) in regards to their financial economy. If you have any queries in regards to your riches, please don’t keep it to yourself… Give our team a call today!

Buy Foreign Coins

Posted on: August 15th, 2012 by Ian Stormnet

We buy foreign coins for CASH!

We buy foreign coins and we buy foreign banknotes and exchange them for Sterling. We offer a unique Bureau de Change style service that UK banks don’t offer. Most of us have a foreign coin collection that has been consigned to the drawer or change jar never to be used again! We can help by offering to buy foreign coins from you, whether you are a private individual, company, charity or school – in fact we buy foreign coins from anyone.

The reason the banks do not offer a service to buy foreign coins is that it simply costs them too much to count, sort and repatriate the money to its country of origin. But at cash4coins we offer a specialist service that does exactly that.  We will count and sort the coins that you send to us and then send you a valuation for you to consider at your leisure.  It really could not be easier to arrange and we buy foreign coins of any denomination and from any country. Take a look at the coins you have at home and see how much money you could make. You really have nothing to lose!

No only do we buy foreign coins (everything from Euros and Pesetas and everything in between) but we also buy old British and Irish coins as well as pre-decimal currency.

What we buy:

ALL Foreign coins
ALL Foreign banknotes
Old British coins
Old Irish coins
Pre-decimal coins
Pre-Euro coins
Pre-Euro banknotes


Above certain weights we’ll even collect your foreign coins for FREE – please go to ‘How to send us coins‘ for full details.

If you’d like us to buy foreign coins from you then simply go to our page ‘How to send us coins’- If you’d like to see just how good our service is then check out our customer comments page.

Here are just a few reasons why we’re the UK’s trusted foreign coin exchange brand:

We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee
We offer lightening fast payment (under 2 hours)
We are trusted by banks, hospitals, schools and charities
We offer FREE collection
We offer FREE drop off

You may want to collect foreign change on behalf of your chosen charity or good cause. This is a great fundraising idea and one which many of our customers use to great effect and the benefit of their chosen charity. You could start collecting them now – remember you cannot change foreign coins at the bank, however you can with cash4coins as we buy foreign coins.

Contact us today… we are here to help.  In fact, we have helped countless customers to make money from the coins that would otherwise just sit around doing nothing for years of end. It really is a win win situation.  You get to clear out lots of old coins and you make money from it. We would be delighted to tell you more about our service if you have any questions so speak to us today to find out more about why we buy foreign coins and how much your coins could be worth.


Foreign Coin Buyer

Posted on: August 4th, 2012 by Ian Stormnet

Foreign Coin Buyer – we buy ANY foreign currency

There are thousands of people with leftover change and holiday money that is sitting unused around the house or office. Up until now it is very difficult to exchange this foreign currency back into Sterling as Bureau de Changes and UK banks will not accept overseas coins – not even the Euro. At Cash 4 Coins we are different! We are a foreign coin buyer who will purchase ANY foreign coins and notes (even obsolete ones like Spanish Pesetas) and pay you in Sterling.

We will even buy old British and Irish coins as well as any pre-decimal coins and notes.  So, if you have old 50p coins hanging around, and many people do, we would be very happy to exchange these for you.  It really couldn’t be easier to exchange your foreign coins and we would be delighted to take them off of your hands and give you a great rate.  Your bank cannot help you as there is not any incentive for them to do so – they do not want the hassle of sorting, counting and repatriating these coins and therefore do not advertise themselves as a foreign coin buyer.  Cash4Coins on the other hand specialises in this service and can exchange any foreign currency into Sterling.

Our service is fast, friendly and efficient and we can leverage value out of your unwanted foreign coins. Many people will collect coins with friends or colleagues and it’s a great way to raise money for your favourite charity, local school or club. As a foreign coin buyer we deal with lots of different currencies and amounts and always try to provide a fair valuation. The process of sorting old and foreign coins is complex and involves a lot of man-hours. This means that you are able to send us mixed coins and be happy in the knowledge that we will count and sort each and every coin.

To send us your coins and notes simply go to the page ‘How to send us coins

The great news is that if you are not happy with our valuation then we’ll send your coins back to you at our expense! So we can guarantee 100% satisfaction. This is one of the reasons why we’re the chosen partner for many UK charities both large and small.

So, whether you have been on holiday, a business trip or you have had lots of foreign coins donated to your charity or organisation, we can help to turn those coins into cash you can use right away.  It’s never been easier to exchange these coins and we can handle any coins of any denomination.  If you want to ask any questions or find out more about our convenient service, call your friendly foreign coin buyer today at Cash4Coins.

To exchange your foreign coins and notes contact Cash4Coins – the leading foreign coin buyer.

Above certain weights we’ll even collect your foreign coins for FREE – please go to ‘How to send us coins‘ for full details.

We Buy Euros

Posted on: August 4th, 2012 by Ian Stormnet

At Cash4Coins it’s simple… WE BUY EUROS!

If you have collected some Euros from business trips or holidays abroad then we will buy them. Unfortunately UK Banks will NOT exchange Euro coins for sterling because of the huge logistical and operational challenges that repatriating and sorting Euro coins present. In a nutshell, we buy Euros and all foreign coins.

Our teams are experts when it comes to sorting and counting your coins and we have helped many of our customers to make use of their otherwise useless foreign money. If you are not planning on using your currency in the near future, send it to us so that you can make use of the Sterling now. You are never obligated to sell your currency to us.  We buy Euros in any denomination and would be delighted to help you today.

We buy euros for Sterling and once we have counted and sorted the coins we’ll usually have payment to you in under 2 hours. The process is fast and efficient:

1. You post your Euro coins (and notes) to us

2. We count, sort and check the currency and make you a valuation offer

3. If you’re happy with the valuation we’ll pay you directly into your nominated bank account.

And what’s great is that if you’re not happy with the valuation then we’ll return the coins to you at our expense. This is our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Above certain weights we’ll even collect your foreign coins for FREE – please go to ‘How to send us coins‘ for full details.

Not only do we buy Euros but we will buy any foreign currency. So why not get together with friends and colleagues and donate your leftover foreign coins to charity, your local school or club. It’s a great way to raise funds and all you need to do is collect the euros and send to us.  Why not have a special foreign coin charity donation box?  Or if you are a school why not ask pupils to ask their parents for foreign coins – not only will you be making money but the children will also learn about different coins and where they come from. It’s a great idea for a school project!

Contact us today and remember we buy euros and in fact ANY currency… so why not liberate those unwanted coins and notes today!  You’ll be surprised just how much money you can make from those coins you have hanging around and we would be delighted to take your coins off your hands and give you a great rate of exchange. Speak to our team today to find out more.

We also offer free help and advice on fundraising as well as hints and tips to make your a big success. We’re trusted by companies, hospitals and charities across the UK to help with foreign coin collections. Contact our team today.

For details on how to send us your euros please go to ‘how to send us coins & notes’ page.  We would be delighted to help!