Archive for the ‘Exchange Foreign Coins’ Category

The easiest ways to exchange Spanish pesetas you have lying around

Posted on: November 20th, 2018 by Ian Stormnet

When Spain joined the eurozone back in 2002, the Spanish Peseta became illegal currency and obsolete. Over the years many other countries have joined the euro and many people are sitting on an amount of defunct foreign currency. Cash4Coins offer a simple facility to exchange Spanish pesetas and other obsolete foreign currency.

The average household in Britain has over £65 million worth of leftover foreign currency lying around in empty drawers.  Total this up and collectively this equates to a massive £1.8 billion sitting gathering dust. It should be noted this also includes all currencies, not just obsolete ones.

While this currency is now no longer legal tender, it is still worth something, even after all the time that has elapsed.  If you have any obsolete foreign currency including notes and coins, Cash4Coins will accept all this defunct currency and convert it back into cash. Many charities and fundraising organisations are now collecting leftover foreign currency to raise the much needed funds they require.

Pesetas are a popular leftover currency that most people tend to have, some even going back to 1970 up to the point Spain joined Europe. You have until 31st December 2020 to get rid of your Spanish pesetas so if you are travelling to Spain you can take them with you and exchange them at Spain’s central bank (Banco de España). If you are not going to Spain then we can exchange them for you.

We accept coins and notes from over 150 currencies from pesetas, francs, deutschmark, even old Irish notes.

Top 10 currencies gathering dust:

  1. Euros
  2. American Dollars
  3. Swiss Francs
  4. German deutschmarks
  5. Spanish pesetas
  6. French francs
  7. Italian lire
  8. Irish pounds
  9. Canadian dollars
  10. Australian dollars

When it comes to choosing how to exchange foreign coins and notes we know that you want a fast, simple, open and honest service – and that’s what you get with Cash 4 Coins. We are trusted by the public sector, national charities, banks, businesses, schools and hospitals to exchange foreign coins and (of course) to provide the best rates in the UK.

For your peace of mind we are registered under the Money Laundering Regulations (MLR) and our activities are regulated by HM Revenue & Customs. We are also proud to be a member of the IBNS, the International Bank Note Society.


Top Safety Accreditation for Cash 4 Coins

Posted on: November 18th, 2017 by Ian Stormnet

Cash 4 Coins has been awarded accreditation from Alcumus SafeContractor for achieving excellence in health and safety in the workplace.

Alcumus SafeContractor is a leading third party accreditation scheme which recognises extremely rigorous standards in health and safety management amongst contractors. It is used by thousands of organisations in the UK including SMEs and FTSE 100 companies.

Cash 4 Coins is principally involved in the bulk exchange of foreign coins and banknotes, specialising in the airline and charity industries.

The company’s application for SafeContractor accreditation was driven by the need for a uniform standard across the business. SafeContractor accreditation will enhance the company’s ability to win new contracts, and its commitment to safety will be viewed positively by its insurers when the company liability policy is up for renewal.

SafeContractor Accreditation Sticker B

Gemma Archibald, Director of Alcumus SafeContractor said: “Major organisations simply cannot afford to run the risk of employing contractors who are not able to prove that they have sound health and safety policies in place.”

“More companies need to understand the importance of adopting good risk management in the way that Cash 4 Coins has done. The firm’s high standard has set an example which hopefully will be followed by other companies within the sector. SafeContractor plays a vital role in supporting our clients in meeting their compliance needs, whilst working with their contractors as they progress through the accreditation process.”

Exchange Your Old Foreign Notes Today

Posted on: July 11th, 2017 by Ian Stormnet

Out of circulation? No problem! We can help you exchange them before it’s to late.

As the excitement for the next £5 note and £1 coin calms down, we look at when they are discontinued and what you can do to keep those penny’s safe so you can still get your money’s worth. As well as this, we will let you know what exactly is old but still exchangeable for now, so you still have time to get your soon to be expired coins and notes into us.

UK £5 Notes

As you’re probably aware, the change-over in fiver’s from paper to plastic saw the UK going into meltdown… Literally. The so-called indestructible plastic note that saw people trying to tear, melt and even use them to play through a vinyl player! However, you may not be aware that the old beloved fiver note has now been discontinued. Do not fear, we are still happy to exchange these for you!

Cypriot Pounds

Now, you may be less familiar with the news that the Cypriot pounds will no longer be accepted after 31st December 2017. If you have holidayed abroad to the beautiful country of Cyrpus in the last 9 years, you may be aware that the Cypriot Pound was swapped for the Euro in 2008. Now, if you happen to find a few of these lying around in old suitcase, under the sofa or in the ‘junk’ drawer then please don’t forget to contact us before December 31st!


Spanish Pesetas

Whilst this one is a little less urgent, it is still crucial you get your left over Spanish Pesetas before December 31st 2020 (that gives you 2 and a half years of rummaging!) The Spanish Peseta has changed considerably over the years with a changeover in the 1980’s from old chunky notes, to notes that were designed around a modern era and had features such as the security thread and florescent fibres, as well as the large engraved images of history figureheads. However, these were changed again in the early 90’s, introducing American figureheads on to their currency as well as Spanish, to celebrate the fifth centenary anniversary of the discovery of ‘modern’ American. These notes included even more security features, including that of the advanced lithographic ink. This ink helps to detect fraud when an ultraviolet light is placed over them. They even had a feature added that helped people with impaired vision to distinguish the notes through embossed marks. These advanced notes then paved way for the new Euro notes that were introduced into Spain in 2002.


Using this as a gentle reminder, get searching and collecting those unused, unwanted coins and notes and send them over to us whilst you still have time! If you have any queries, feel free to get in touch with us at Cash4Coins so we can help you get the most out of your exchange.

UK Households Unearth More Than £3.79 Billion in Lost Change & Foreign Currency Each Year

Posted on: July 6th, 2017 by Ian Stormnet

A UK study has revealed that the average British home harbours more than £140 in “lost” UK sterling and foreign change. The sides of the sofa, clothing pockets and the back of drawers are the most likely areas to uncover forgotten cash. 


New research has found that Britons have three different types of foreign currency at home from previous trips abroad at any one time. Euros, US Dollars and Turkish Lira were revealed as the most common kinds of international notes and coins unknowingly hidden in the average UK property. 

The team at polled 2,948 British adults aged 18 and over as part of the study into hidden finances of the average UK home. Participants polled were spread evenly across each of the UK regions, with all those taking part currently renting or owning their own property. 

Firstly, all respondents were asked how often they found loose change (UK or foreign notes and coins) in unexpected areas of their home, with the vast majority (93%) admitting that this happened to them on weekly basis. When these individuals were then asked to estimate how much was found during each discovery, the average amount emerged as £2.70, equating to £140.40 over the course of a year. Taking into account the total number of households within the UK (27.1 million*) this would equate to £3.79 billion found across the entirety of British homes each year. 

Everyone taking part was then given an extensive list of possible answers and asked to state the areas that they’d previously uncovered forgotten change (coins and/or notes) in their homes, with the five most common answers emerging as follows: 

1.       Down the side of a sofa/under cushions – 72%

2.       Inside clothes pockets – 64%

3.       At the back of drawers – 49%

4.       Under the bed – 22%

5.       Inside pots and/or ornaments (e.g. vases) – 16%

Participants were given the option of ‘other’ in order to add in some of the more unusual locations they’d found hidden change in their homes. From this, researchers uncovered that a total of nine participants had found loose change hidden in a pet’s bed, while seven respondents managed to retrieve money that had been dropped into their toilet bowl. 

When asked if foreign currency from travelling abroad had been amongst the loose change found around their home within the last year, more than three quarters of respondents (77%) admitted that it had been. Of these, the majority (84%) stated that they’d forgotten they had the currency following their return from foreign trips, as there wasn’t enough to convert back into UK sterling. The most common foreign currencies unearthed in UK homes emerged as Euros (78%), US Dollars (23%) and Turkish Lira (19%).

Kirsty O’Sullivan, spokesperson for, said:

“Finding a little unexpected treasure at the bottom of your sock drawer or down the side of your sofa can be a thrill – depending on how much you discover.” 

And with that, we encourage you to have a rummage behind your sofas, under the bed and definitely under where ‘X’ marks the spot in your garden (who knew that was there?). And if you happen to come across those coins that you have no use for, then why not give us a call, so we can help you shift that unwanted currency!

A Brief History of the Knights Templar

Posted on: June 9th, 2017 by Ian Stormnet

And London’s First bank…

Our knowledge of currency stems from the invention of trade between merchants. This was often trade between workmen, trading their services, goods or cattle.  However, the concept behind storing currency to those who could be trusted with others money was one that came about in the 1100’s. It was established by a group of men called the Knights Templar.


Who are the Knights Templar?

These groups of men were thought to be warrior monks that were highly faithful to their religion and the holy war and fancied themselves as loyal to their hierarchy. Their home was situation on Fleet Street in London, a place called Temple Church. This church still exists today and is not just known as the residency of the Knights Templar, but home to London’s first bank.

Why and how did they come to create London’s first bank?

The thought behind this idea came from the pilgrimage that the Knights were dedicated to: a voyage that took them thousands of miles from London to Jerusalem. They needed somewhere to store and exchange their money safely and trustfully and avoid taking large sums of cash from one end of Europe to the other. The idea was that they could store their money in London and withdraw it in Jerusalem, saving them from being burgled when carrying large amounts of cash and still being able to afford food ad resources for their journey.

How did it work?

Though not the same of banks today, which are typically ran by the government, these banks were thought to be ran privately, owned by the Pope and connected through Kings and Queens across Europe. This allowed some sense of security for the Knights. However, this was not just a typical exchange and transfer of money for its users, the bank provided financial services. The Templars acted as brokers, providing Kings and Queens with land through the means of loans and yearly payments. It is known that the Crown Jewels were kept there as a security loan for payments of small islands across Europe, similar to the pawn-brokers of today, although on a much larger scale (I have a feeling that the Queen has never popped down to her local pawn shop with the Crown Jewels for a house in the countryside!) Though this did not last forever and eventually the European order of this bank and others broke down by the 1300’s after the European Christians lost control of Jerusalem.


New Ventures

However, all is not lost. Though the Templar disbanded, an Italian merchant placed in Lyon, France, decided to buy and sell debt, becoming very rich. While the other merchants around him were laboring, trading their goods, this Italian merchant simply sat and waited for money to come to him. He would sell something called a ‘bill of exchange’ that could be recognised, not as money, but as a means of exchange for money in the Italian province of Florence – Many miles away from the small town in France where he resided. It eventually become a large network and as this network of bankers grew, they would meet every year at fairs in places such as Lyon to go through their books and settle any unwanted debts. From this model comes the credit card, a system that allows a simple piece of paper (or in today’s technology, a chip and pin card) to exchange credit for goods: a radical new system that was worth investing in.


This system did not come without mistrust and a band of hierarchy that became corrupt with power. Much like events we saw on Wall Street in the 80’s, banks and organisations alike across the world would come together in an effort to avoid paying tax and creating private money between the hierarchies that were untouchable by the government. The regulations of these banks have been tested time over by governments across the world, yet it seems that those holding the most power (and coincidently, the most debt) will always prevail. Even back in the 1300’s the Templars saw their fate as one of torture by the King, who had outstanding debts he couldn’t pay off. Instead of simply working with these men to sought restoration, he used his hierarchy to have them tortured and burned to death in order to claim back what he believed to be his.


Great minds think alike

This may have been a great new way to share and exchange money but back in China, several centuries earlier; the Tang dynasty used a similar format called “feiquan”. This can be translated to ‘flying money’. It was a system that allowed merchants to deposit their profits into a central office and then withdraw it in cash in the capital.

Although this is a great piece of British and European history, we won’t let you go through the hassle of long voyages or trading cattle for a simple credit exchange! At Cash4Coins we exchange your foreign currency… for cash! We can’t accept your Crown Jewels, but give us a call today if you would like to know more about how we can help you.





Children in Need Fundraising Ideas

Posted on: May 6th, 2017 by Ian Stormnet

For one night in November, every year, the BBC becomes a place dedicated to charity. Helping children across the globe, Children in Need has become one of the best supported charities out there.

It draws in big name celebrities and is a whole lot of fun for those that watch it.

However, Children in Need, just like many of other charities, simply wouldn’t be able to function without donations. Which means that each and every year, people around the UK come up with great ways to raise money and help those who need it.

Want to get yourself nice and organised for the 2017 Children in Need? Why not check out some of the great ways you can raise money when the time comes?

Face your fears

Is there something that you are really terrified of? A great way to raise money is to face those fears. Get people to sponsor you to hold a spider, do a bungee jump or anything that is going to make you squirm. It is a sure fire way to get some support!

Go without tech

Are you the type of person who always has their phone in their hands? Bit of TV nut? Why not pledge to give up tech for a week during the Children in Need week? Not only is it a great fundraising tool, but it might actually teach you that you don’t need your beloved gadget in the first place!

Do something big

Want to really make an impact for charity? If you do, then perhaps it is time to try out something huge. Jump out of a plane, climb a mountain or run a marathon. These big pledges are a great way to bring money in and also give you the drive to try something that you wouldn’t otherwise!

Sell something

Do you have a hobby, talent or skill? Why not use this to raise money? You can bake cakes, paint pictures, even knit a blanket. Whatever you do, sell it for cash and you can soon see the money come in for charity.

Wear your PJs for a day

Just because it is a popular one, doesn’t mean it isn’t great. Don a onesie, or your favourite PJs for the day and raise some money. Or better yet, get your whole office, school or family to do the same. Not only will you raise money, but you will be super comfy for the day too!

The money that is raised during Children in Need really does make a difference to the lives of children around the world. There really is no better reason to get out there and try to raise some for yourself. Whether it is a few hundred pound or just 5, it is still going to make a difference and make up the grand total!



The Great Coin Exchange For Children In Need

Posted on: October 15th, 2013 by Ian Stormnet

Did you know that a foreign coin exchange could be a great way to raise money for Children In Need this year?  At Cash4Coins we offer a coin exchange service that can turn donated foreign coins into Sterling you can use to put towards this great cause.

How To Get Started With Your Foreign Coin Fundraising

You’d be surprised how many people have foreign coins hanging around at home. These are often leftover from business trips abroad and foreign holidays and they end up being stuffed into drawers or put in jars.  Unfortunately, the banks will not help you to exchange these into Sterling, even if the proceeds are for charity.  It is not logistically viable for the banks to change coins and repatriate them back to their country of origin, but we can help!

We have helped many charities to make use of the millions of foreign coins that are gathering dust around the world and we can do the same for you.  We can turn Euros into Sterling, US Dollars into Sterling and in fact, practically any currency you send us into…Sterling!  That’s money we deposit into the bank for you to donate to Children In Need.

A simple collection tin decorated with flags of the world or bank notes of the world is a great way to encourage donations. Most people only have to look in a drawer or jar at home to find coins for you.  And these can mount up very quickly.

Coin Exchange Fundraising Ideas For Schools

If you are a school looking for some great fundraising ideas for Children In Need, we can help.  Why not ask your pupils to ask their parents for foreign coin donations and then set a homework task that gets them thinking about foreign coins and they many different kinds available.  This is a great way to teach children about other cultures and the money used in other countries.  For older kids, why not give them a little lesson in foreign currency exchange!

The Easiest And Quickest Way To Raise Funds

At Cash4Coins we give you a very convenient method of changing those collected foreign coins into cash.  And if you collect over 10Kg we will send our secure courier to come and pick them up from you free of charge.  We don’t even ask you to count or sort your coins as we do that for you.  It really couldn’t be easier.

Our fundraising team is also on hand to give you advice on coin exchange fundraising ideas and how to make it a record breaking Children In Need year this year.  So, if you are joining Pudsey and the gang to raise much needed cash for this worthwhile cause, don’t forget that Cash4Coins can help you.

It’s easy to send us your coins and we will have a valuation ready for you as quickly as possible. We have helped many charities, schools and hospitals to find different avenues for fundraising and our coin exchange service has proved very popular.  In the meantime we wish you lots of Children In Need fun this year and look forward to receiving your coins.

Exchange Turkish Lira for Cash

Posted on: April 24th, 2013 by Ian Stormnet

Exchange Turkish lira for cash at the best rates in the UK – guaranteed

If you’ve tried to exchange Turkish lira coins and notes at your bank or bureau de change, you’ll already know that you can’t. So you may be wondering what to do with them? Did you know that Cash4Coins will exchange Turkish lira – including coins and notes – at the best rates in the UK, with customer satisfaction 100% guaranteed?

Whether it’s a pocket-full or a safe-full, from a holiday, business trip or fund-raiser, we promise the same level of service and value to every single customer. Our system is streamlined to offer payment within 14 days, with an exchange rate guaranteed to match the best in the UK.

All you have to do is send us your coins (or let us pick them up) and give us a little time to process and count them. We’ll send you a valuation offer, which if accepted results in instant payment.

No fuss, and no small print. Just cash you can spend, save or donate in exchange for your Turkish lira coins or notes.

And if you don’t like or agree with our valuation, we’ll return your currency to you in full at our own expense.

Trusted by thousands each year to deliver unbeatable value

Finding an exchange partner you can trust isn’t always as easy as it should be, and the internet being what it is, will always attract a small number of cowboys who want to rip you off.

Which is why we’ve worked hard to build a strong reputation for excellent customer service right across the board. Our long list of satisfied customers spans the whole country, taking in large and small businesses, charities, schools, hospitals, individuals and more.

As a result, we regularly receive great feedback on our service, which we publish on this site to show you that your money is in safe hands when you choose Cash4Coins.

We take our customer satisfaction guarantee seriously, so whether you have a large or small transaction to make, we’re perfectly placed to offer the best value in the UK when you exchange Turkish lira.

Satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back

Once an individual or company becomes our customer, they tend to keep coming back. Why? Because we’re serious about being the best when it comes to service, speed, and value when you exchange Turkish lira or any other foreign currency.

It’s easy to get your coins to us, and we’ve created three easy ways to get the ball rolling:

  • If your collection weighs more than 5Kg, we’ll collect it free of charge
  • For collections under 5Kg, you can use one of our 4,500 authorised and completely secure drop-off locations. Your currency will be logged, and sent to our main offices by secure courier for counting and processing.
  • For small collections under 750g, you can send direct to us by Royal Mail recorded delivery, complete with tracking number.

When your coins and notes have been received and counted, we’ll send you an offer. Accept, and we pay instantly. Or if you’re not happy with our valuation, we simply return your collection to you in full at our own cost.

Exchange Swiss Franc Coins

Posted on: April 24th, 2013 by Ian Stormnet

We guarantee the best rates in the UK when you exchange Swiss Franc coins

If you’ve got a collection of Swiss franc coins or notes stashed away in a jar or a drawer somewhere, you’ve probably been wondering what to do with them for the last 10 years or so…

Whether they’re left over from a holiday, business trip or fund-raiser, you may have tried and failed to exchange Swiss franc coins at the bank or bureaux de change. You may even have resigned yourself to having lost whatever value they once held.

Did you know that Cash4Coins still accepts Swiss franc coins and notes, and offers you the best rates in the whole of the UK – guaranteed – with a simple system that promises instant payment, and 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed.

We take the service we offer seriously, and if you don’t like our valuation of your coins, or think it’s not right, we’ll return your coins to you in full and at our own cost.

Trusted to deliver great value and service by thousands of other customers

When you need to exchange Swiss franc coins, it’s important to find a company you can trust to give you not only good value, but a transparent and honest service – exactly like the one we offer here at Cash4Coins.

Did you know that we’re the trusted exchange partner for a wide range of individuals and companies throughout the UK, including well-known brands, charities, hospitals, family businesses and schools?

Our combination of a full guarantee on every aspect of our service, and secure, fast processing of your currency means we’re perfectly placed to exchange Swiss franc coins and notes in any quantity.

There’s no catch, no small print, and no hidden surprises. Just a superior service that’s trusted by customers like you every day.

Exchange Swiss franc coins – get instant payment

We’ve created three secure and easy ways for you to send us your coins. For large collections over 5Kg we offer free collection from your home or business.

For collections of less than 5Kg, we offer a network of over 4,500 authorised drop-off locations. On arrival your coins will be logged, identified and sent to our main office by tracked courier. We then count and process your coins – and notes – before sending you an offer, which if you accept, results in instant payment.

Alternatively, for collections weighing less than 750g you send your currency direct to us by Royal Mail recorded delivery.

Whichever method you choose, you are assured of a completely secure process, in which all parcels are tracked, and all coins are fully accounted for.

We’re proud of the trust we’ve built with our existing customers, and regularly receive excellent feedback from new and repeat customers. We even publish your comments right here on this site.

Remember, if you accept our valuation, we pay instantly; if you decline, we return your coins in full at our own expense.

There’s no catch, just a simple, fast and 100% satisfaction-guaranteed service.

Exchange Pesetas for Cash

Posted on: April 24th, 2013 by Ian Stormnet

An unbeatable way to exchange Pesetas

Whether you have coins or notes left over from a holiday or business trip, it won’t be news to you that Pesetas have been obsolete for over a decade. But it probably is news to you that there’s an easy and guaranteed way to exchange Pesetas for ready cash today!  What could you do with a little extra cash in your bank account?

Our system is fast, easy, excellent value, and 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Here’s how it works:

  • You send us your coins and notes of any denomination and any age
  • We process your currency and send you a valuation
  • You accept our valuation and receive instant payment
  • Or, if you decline, we return your coins to you in full, at our own expense

Sound good? Read on to learn more.

Trusted by individuals, businesses, charities and more to deliver incredible value

It’s no secret that when there’s money involved, there’ll be someone out there looking to take advantage of you. So how do you know who to trust?

Fortunately for you, we have a very strong track record of successful transactions – and the customer testimonials to show for it. We hate rip-offs just as much as you do, which is why we guarantee satisfaction with our service and our valuation, or we return your coins to you in full at our own cost.

Our list of satisfied customers includes businesses of all sizes, including well-known brands, charities, hospitals, schools and individuals. And if you want to know what they have to say about our highly-recommended service, we’ve published their comments right here on this site.

As one of the UK’s premier choices for businesses and individuals to exchange Pesetas, we process a lot of currency each year. So you can trust us to bring not only the best rates, but loads of valuable knowledge and experience, too.

Exchange Pesetas at the best rates in the UK – guaranteed, or your coins returned

Whether you have a pocket-full or a bucket-full of currency, we’re perfectly placed to offer you an easy way to turn it into ready cash you can spend, save, or donate as you please. And we accept all coins and notes, of any denomination.

With three easy ways to get your currency to us, you’ll benefit from complete peace of mind and unbeatable value every step of the way.

For large collections over 5Kg, we’ll come and collect your coins free of charge. For smaller collections you can choose to use one of our secure local drop-off locations. And with over 4,500 locations to choose from, you’ll never have to go far. If your collection weighs less than 750g, you may prefer to send your currency to us via Royal Mail recorded delivery.

Whatever method you choose, we’ll give you the best rates in the UK when you exchange Pesetas – 100% guaranteed.

Once you accept our valuation, we pay instantly. No catch, no fuss, just a great-value service trusted by thousands across the UK – or your currency back.