Comic Relief Fundraising Ideas

Discover Ways to Fundraise for Comic Relief with tips from foreign cash converters Cash4Coins

Comic Relief may have been and gone, but that doesn’t mean that you have to stop raising money for the good work that they do. Not only this, but if you are worried that you missed out on doing your bit, then you can also plan in all those amazing fundraising ideas for next Comic Relief.

Bake, bake, bake

Everyone loves a bit of cake, so if you are a dab hand with a whisk and some flour, why not put those talents to good use and whip up a storm in the kitchen? You can take them to work, to school or wherever, all with the aim to making a bit of a profit that can go to charity.

Give up something you love

This is a fundraising idea that is becoming more and more popular. Giving up something that you love is hard work, and you can ask from donations from friends and family to support you in your abstinence.

It could be from chocolate, crisps, wine or cheese. Whatever you pick, make sure that it is something worthwhile and that people will support you in.

Have a quiz or games night

Do you love playing board games? Think that you are a dab hand at quizzes? Why not use these as an excuse to raise some money for charity? Set an evening of fun up with your friends and charge an entrance fee. You can offer prizes for the winners, and also make sure that you have a penalty pot set up for anyone who doesn’t play by the rules!

Organise a lunchtime disco

Sometimes a working day can drag on a bit. What about seeing if a lunchtime boogie can help to break it up? All you need is a spare meeting room or office, some tunes and maybe a disco ball or two, and you have yourself your very own office based rave. You can charge an entrance fee for everyone to come and party with you, and make sure that you have plenty of fizzy pop (non-alcoholic of course) for when they have worked up a thirst.

Have a swear jar

This is a great idea if you want to take your time in fundraising, perhaps ready to donate for the next Comic Relief. Everytime you utter a curse word, put some change in the pot. You can set an amount, or simply make it whatever you have to hand. Not only will you soon be putting money away for charity, but you will find yourself watching your language too. Just make sure you have enough space in case you stub your toe!

Charity doesn’t only have to be during these big TV drives, you can donate to causes up and down the UK or worldwide whenever you want to, and make sure that you do your bit for helping good causes around the world.


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