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Foreign Coin Exchange

The fast, simple and easy foreign coin exchange service…

We will buy your foreign coins so why not use our foreign coin exchange service now and get paid for foreign coins that you’ll never use. Every year thousands of people return home from holidays and trips abroad with foreign coins that they will never use again. Up until now these just get put in a draw or change drawer never to be seen again!

Convert your unused coins for cash quickly and easily!

At cash4coins we operate a foreign coin exchange service which means that you can now send us your unused foreign coins and we’ll convert them into cash and send you payment for your leftover foreign coins. We buy all types of foreign coins and banknotes in any currency and in any amount. And we even buy old British and Irish coins.

Turn your unwanted foreign coins into cold hard cash with our foreign coin exchange

As you will know banks do not exchange foreign coins which means that your money could be going to waste! Don’t let that happen, simply send us your foreign coins and foreign bank notes and we’ll convert your foreign coins into cash and pay you! It really is that simple.

Our service gives you the freedom to exchange your foreign coins for cash you can use almost instantly.  Whether you have a handful of foreign coins and banknotes or you have amassed quite a stash, we can help!  We can send payment for your foreign currency to you or to anybody that you designate. For example you may want to send your payment to a charity, if you do then simply complete the payment form and enclose it with your foreign coins that you want exchanging – we’ll do the rest.

We provide a fast, efficient and trusted foreign coin exchange service for a wide range of organisations, businesses, charities and individuals who rely on our secure service. Our knowledgeable team can help you make the most of your collection with free advice as well as hints and tips n the best way to organise a foreign coin collection.

You may also have coins of unknown origin in which case we will be happy to help you identify them. From Turkish Lira to Euro coins you didn’t use on your European vacation, we can help with a wide range of currency.  If you are not going abroad any time soon, this is money that you can make use of today.  This could be money you can use on a night out or saving for a rainy day in the future.

Exchange your coins the easy way today – the foreign coin exchange with a difference

Don’t let your old unwanted coins go to waste. We offer fast and efficient service – service that your bank cannot offer you and that you won’t find on the high street. So why not dig out those unwanted foreign coins and send them to us to be turned into spendable cash? Contact us today – we’d love to hear from you.

Why not check out our videos on YouTube 

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